Enviroment, Health & Safety
It is KeyPort Logistics, policy to conduct all operations in a safe and compliant manner. The environment, employee health and safety are fundamental considerations in every business decision and plan, and all reasonable precautions will be taken to protect both.

We are equally committed to protect the public, the environment, company property, and our customers from events, which could cause harm or economic losses due to our operations.
Our objective is to prevent any EHS occurrences.

It is our philosophy that, by striving to eliminate unsafe conditions and actions, we will eventually achieve this goal. In support of our objectives, Management and Employees are committed to continual improvement and to the prevention of pollution. The EHS Program includes a commitment to comply with specific requirements based on the following principals:

  • Managers and supervisors are responsible for the EHS of operations under their control and will be evaluated according to their record and performance.
  • A safe work environment will be provided by eliminating or controlling hazards with appropriately designed equipment and facilities, safe operating procedures, and personal protective equipment when called for.
  • All applicable EHS legislation, regulations, codes and accepted work practices will be followed. Specific rules and procedures will be established and followed by all employees and contractors.
  • Each employee working in operations will be medically qualified, informed of any hazards associated with his or her job, and trained in EHS work procedures; the use of personal protective equipment and other means intended to provide required protection.
  • All employees and contractors are responsible for performing their job activities in a safe and reasonable manner and in accordance with relevant EHS rules and regulations, and any EHS related instructions given to them, and the training they have received.
  • All unsafe acts, conditions, and incidents must be reported to supervisors and promptly investigated and corrected.

All employees are expected to support and participate in the KeyPort Logistics, Health and Safety Program. We believe that together, with teamwork, we can eliminate all workplace injuries and illness.